How does the design of surgical power tool systems work?
This blog is intended as a brief introduction for orthopaedic surgeons on how the design of surgical power tool systems works in factories. When producing
The handpiece and attachments of the surgical motor, which is a reused handpiece, must be washed and sterilized in accordance with the instructions before the operation.
The problematic microorganisms that cause nosocomial infections, which cause the devices to need a cleaning process, are as follows;
Bibliography: GÜRLER, N (Prof.), 4th National Sterilization Disinfection Congress – 2005 book , pp.691-701
Some of the microorganisms that may be found on the surgical motor can be destroyed by washing thanks to the heat of the washing machines (70 – 90 degrees). Detergent-derived chemical products used in the machine are not designed to destroy microorganisms, but to clean oil-type dirt on the device. Therefore, soaking the surgical engine in detergent water can only cause the devices to die, not the microorganisms.
While many of the microorganisms listed above die at 90 degrees Celsius, organisms that can survive above 90 degrees C are some groups of Bacteria and Archaea and thermophiles.(Hyperthermophiles 75- 113 C)
References: ERCAN AKKAYA,S / KIVANÇ,M, AKÜ Journal of Science 2008-02 61-70 , Thermophile Bacteria; Isolation and Identification Methods of Gr (+) Bacteria Living in Hot Water Springs, S.61-70 , Eskişehir 2008.
Disinfectants with glutaraldehyde should be the only solution for medical instruments and devices that penetrate the human body with a high level of disinfection, penetrate into the mucosa, and function within the blood barrier. However, some pathogenic microorganisms can form a thick outer membrane that reduces chemical permeability and form spores in order to withstand adverse conditions. Therefore, it may be difficult for disinfectants to affect the cell chemically and physically at this stage. A long contact time between the disinfectant and the spore-forming cell is required for cell destruction. This prevents chemicals, i.e. disinfectants, from reaching and destroying the cell. Formaldehyde preparations or combinations can also be used for this purpose.
As a surgical motor manufacturer, the order of advice we will give you from all these inferences is as follows;
*In the operation room, as soon as the use of the surgical motor is finished, sterile water is sprayed into the cannula part with a syringe to prevent the tissues from freezing and hardening.
*Pre-washing under running water after the operation.
*To ensure that the spores formed by the microorganism are destroyed by allowing the disinfectant to remain on the device for a while on the surgical motor using spraying / immersion – removal management.
*To make sure that all microorganisms are killed by the autoclave.
Being aware that surgical motors are high-tech products containing electronic cards, every cleaning and purification process you perform will protect both your device and the users and patients who come into contact with the device.
This blog is intended as a brief introduction for orthopaedic surgeons on how the design of surgical power tool systems works in factories. When producing
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