What is the effect of momentary tension on the surgical power tool system?


Stress (tension) is one of two measurable engineering quantities important in understanding the durability or fatigue life of a product. Surgical power tool systems are devices that shape bone. The muscle and nervous system, which are necessary for the limb where the bone is located to maintain its vitality, must be carefully protected during the incision. Surgical power tool; The patient must move between the metal protective hand tools (retractors) used for protection or the incision guides used for smooth incision. As it hits the metal during operation, it is exposed to more force than planned in the design. Stress increases with increasing load, that is, the force experienced. Since the stress in surgical Power Tool systems is not continuous but instantaneous, it causes malfunctions as a result of metal wear in the long term, but not in the short term. The long term may sometimes be shorter than the trouble-free usage period planned in the design of the device.

How can the surgical power tool remain under stress (tension)?

  • In the event that you make an incision by pulling the cutting handpiece downwards (by tearing) with the stress of getting out of control while traveling in the plane of the cutter with the need to protect the limb
  • In case of cutting with the stress of uncontrollability, without moving away from the protective metals with the need for protection,
  • In case the saws are used for a long period of time in order to economically protect your budget,
  • In case you press the trigger after entering the cutting guide to start cutting inside the cutting guide with the stress of not being able to control the cut.

We can say that behaviors that increase instant stress, which are seen as user error, are actually the direct reflection of the stress experienced by the physician under instant stress on the device.

So how can we protect both the user and the power tool from stress (tension) or stress-induced deterioration?

  • Can the power tool he/she uses get out of control or how much damage can it cause?
  • What is his/her technique for taking control of the power tool he/she uses?
  • What is the probability of the harm it predicts?
  • What is the technical information that can support him/her to make an incision with confidence?

When the answers to the above questions are provided before surgery, the user can feel more confident as they experience the risks that may occur in the on-bone application.

If malfunctions occur despite all precautions taken and the risk of failure of the device during surgery is to be eliminated, the failure rate is calculated according to the stress to which the device is exposed and the duration is planned. During the planned period, the surgical power tool is maintained and tired parts are replaced. Stress resistance is increased.

As in life, machines can be used with a greater sense of quality, in the same way that life becomes more quality when the stress to which they are exposed is clarified and precautions are taken without causing harm.


The problem is either problematized or questioned and harmonized.

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