MDR Article 15 – Person Responsible for Regulatory Compliance

MDR Article 15 Person Responsible for Regulatory Compliance

If you are not a small company, you might ask yourself: “Shouldn’t we have already a responsible person for regulatory compliance?” Answer is “no”. All medical device manufacturers have quality teams but MDR wants us to have a person experienced in the field of medical devices. This person is going to be legally responsible under the law. In addition, this person must have some qualifications. In this article, we’ll try to explaint to you “MDR Article 15 Person Responsible” and his/her qualifications.

For the full regulation please click here.

Which qualifications should this Responsible Person have?

A diploma, certificate or other evidence of formal qualification, awarded on completion of a university degree or of a course of study recognised as equivalent by the Member State concerned, in law, medicine, pharmacy, engineering or another relevant scientific discipline, and at least one year of professional experience in regulatory affairs or in quality management systems relating to medical devices;


Four years of professional experience in regulatory affairs or in quality management systems relating to medical devices.

What does this person do ?

In accordance with Article 15 of the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) No 2017/745 (MDR), the person responsible for regulatory compliance shall at least be responsible for ensuring that:

  1. the conformity of the devices is appropriately checked, in accordance with the quality management system under which the devices are manufactured, before a device is released
  2. these devices are controlled in accordance with the quality management system in which they are manufactured
  3. the technical documentation and the EU declaration of conformity are drawn up and kept up-to-date;
  4. the post-market surveillance obligations are complied with in accordance with Article 10;
  5. the reporting obligations referred to in Articles 87 to 91 are fulfilled;
  6. in the case of investigational devices, the statement referred to in Section 4.1 of Chapter II of Annex XV is issued
  7. serious adverse events and field safety corrective actions are reported,
  8. analysis of vigilance data was done,

Are you small / micro company?

If you are micro and small enterprise, you shouldn’t be required to have the person responsible for regulatory compliance within your organization. But…. you should have such person permanently and continuously at your disposal.

Although the regulation does not explicitly state the need to make a contract with your own staff, it is still useful to make a contract.

Here you cand find the “Employment Contract” for your Person Responsible for Regulatory Compliance. Please click here to download “Word” version of the contract below.

Employee Contract
Employee Contract for Person Responsible

Do you have more than one responsible person?

If you have a number of persons are jointly responsible for regulatory compliance, in their respective areas of responsibility should be stipulated in writing. Which means you should state these responsibilites in a written text somewhere.

Whether or not he/she is a employee of your company

Whether or not he/she is a a employee of your company, he/she should fufill properly his or her duties as it should be.

BONUS - MDR Article 15 Person Responsible !

If you are a Non-EU manufacturer, your Authorized Representative should have its own Person Responsible for Regulatory Compliance in the Union.

Click here for the article “MDR Article 11 Authorized Representative “

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