Do you think the first saw was designed to be a surgical saw or a tool for cutting trees?
Most of us think of carpentry or forestry when we think of a saw, but the first electric version was actually a surgical saw. The
In this article, we are going to give you the list of 2017/745 MDR Harmonized Standards and their latest updates.
First of all, we would like to give you the basic definitions about this harmonization system. This list is going to be updated day by day but before getting started check from the official page for the latest list of harmonized standards.
Harmonized standards are the European Standards created by European Standard Organizations (CEN, CENELEC) in reaction to a order allowed by the European Commission after interview with the Member States. They are distributed within Official Journal of the European Union They take into consideration the essential requirements of mandates and controls, and they are the best degree for a manufacturer/importer to demonstrate suggested similarity of their item with the pertinent directive/regulation.
Most of us think of carpentry or forestry when we think of a saw, but the first electric version was actually a surgical saw. The
Why Has the Thickness of Surgical Saw Blade Increased? In orthopedic surgeries, particularly knee and hip replacements, the selection and design of surgical saw blade
Surgical medical devices are indispensable tools that save lives and improve the quality of surgeries by supporting and showcasing the surgeon’s skill. However, for these
The success of surgery comes from a successful and harmonious teamwork. At the head of the surgical team is the surgeon who plans the operation.
If the ACF’s Surgical saw blade mascot, aka ACEF, puts himself on the agenda in an operation, what steps must he go through for a